Open Houses

The typical Open House is the MLS Detail Page printed out, a sign up sheet for visitors, some snacks, maybe some information about the agent doing the open house. A few OPEN HOUSE signs set up at the intersections to draw folks into the open house.

Agents are taught to attempt to gain the buyers name, email address and telephone number so that you can follow up with them later. You want to win them over to become one of your clients. Follow up is when you discover they gave you bad email addresses, or they simply ignore you. They gave you bad telephone numbers, and now you’re wondering if that is even their real name.

You went to all that work, and come up with cookie crumbs to clean up and little to show for your effort. So, let’s back up and rethink this whole thing. What were you going to do to follow up with these people that you were going to impress their socks off? Listings of similar homes on the market?, okay that’s good, what else? You have a buyer’s guide? You have information on the neighborhood?, how about information on the schools? So, what if you put everything that you were going to do to “follow up” with them, to the Open House and put it in their hands? Is anyone else doing that?

I go into depth on how to do this in my online program. How to produce a Buyer’s Guide, or where to find one all ready done. Where to buy the Open House signs for the street corners. What your Open House should look like to have the majority of those visiting buyers calling you for your services, instead of just leaving you bogus email addresses.