Bridging Tradition and Tech: Real Estate Education Reimagined!

For the last couple of years, I have had this daydream, going in circles...what if, someone put together everything they learned in real estate into one place? But then that would be a series of books, or webinars maybe?  No, as soon as they are published, they are in the past, history, and become part of the never ending pile of duplication that exists in print and online. Hours of talking heads, wading through it all, for that one gem you might glean....

Because all the above is true, this program is a dynamic, living document. The Real Estate Agents Network Course.
I have been educating new real estate agents since 2003, this program reflects all of that, and every new strategy that I learn will be immediately added. A new Master becomes known, I'll introduce you with their training videos. As something becomes irrelevant it will be removed. (Like using a cover sheet when you send a fax.) It will not matter when you take the program, all of the information will be up to date and the best that I have to offer. Constantly gleaning, constantly updating. I will still post in my eXp Workplace Group The New Agent Playbook. But this program goes way past anything I have ever provided. I am by nature a curious creature, constantly reading, attending webinars, watching videos. I want to know what they know. And now, you will know what I know.

Investing in this program, will shorten your learning curve, and collapse time for you. I will be your primary guide, walking you through the basics and an inside look into the processes. I suggest exercises that will provide you real world experience. You'll also engage with the crème de la crème of our industry— top agents whose strategies have translated to significant successes. It's invaluable to learn directly and undiluted, from the masters, and important to me that you do.

Navigate this program in any manner that suits you. A part of this program is going to teach you AI programs that will leverage your time. Your competitors won't be able to produce the quality content that you will do.

              "If you don't want to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you!" Zig Zilar

As you choose your strategies, with the help of the AI tools, you will refine your Business Plan. By the end of this program, you will stand confident, equipped with both working knowledge, practical real world experience with an actionable Business Plan in hand.

A note to set expectations: The primary focus will be on U.S. residential real estate. 2021 there were about 82 Million single family homes about 83.4% of family housing in the U.S. and statistics show that about 5% of home turn over every year. Which means about 4,100,000 homes. The majority of those are listed and sold by real estate agents. So let's get you going, you have a brilliant career ahead of you.  There is also some extras you will need for Vacant Land and Farms. Some specialized areas, including Condos, Vacation Homes, and Time Shares, are not covered in this program.

For those keen and those scared to death of blending technology with real estate, you’re in for a rewarding segment. Master the art of creating 3D Property Presentations working with tools like 360° Cameras, Drones, and Videos. Additionally, delve into the digital landscape by setting up a YouTube channel, optimizing social media, and even launching a podcast and a blog. You think it is complicated, it's not. You think it's expensive, it's really not.

The time to complete this program, is highly individual

                             "The two most important days in your life are the day that you were born, and the day you find out why." Mark Twain

I started teaching my own real estate agents in 2003, by 2016 I was teaching groups through our local board of realtors.  Mostly technology, but also how to run your business like a business, where to find new business. A few years ago I started a couple of websites to teach real estate agents the basics. In 2019 I joined eXp and started a little Workplace Group called New Agent Playbook and began teaching the basics to new agents, sharing new ideas, and sharing some handy products to help them in their businesses. Today that little group is over 18,000, and growing. We have a lot of fun. So this program, is the next step for me, going from company workplace to reaching out to every brand new real estate agent in the U.S. My heart has always been with the new agent, because they need the training, they need the opportunities. I have transitioned out of listing and selling, and will concentrate my efforts into this program, and work as a My Link My Lead agent for eXp. I also am an eXp Recruiter, if you are interested in joining eXp please contact me directly.

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